?We’ve Got a BIG Surprise in the Works for Webmasters

If you’re looking to grow your website as a webmaster, you won’t want to miss the big surprise we have planned for website owners. Stay tuned!

Don’t tell anyone about this ? … but we have a big surprise planned for all webmasters that are taking part in our traffic network. It’s gonna be exciting and we strongly recommend that you follow our Facebook page, so you don’t miss the announcement.

Missing Out on The BIG Surprise Would Be Truly Terrible

We sincerely don’t want you to miss out on the giant opportunity that will present itself to you thanks to our hard-working developers, who are (as I’m typing this) working very hard on putting the finishing touches on their special project I’m alluding to here.

We’re gonna sprinkle some small hints here and there about what this new thing for website owners registered with their sites as publishers at PlugRush will be… but you’ll need to keep your ear to the ground and your eyes peeled to get in quickly and take full advantage of it.

Be Prepared!

Make sure you register all your websites at PlugRush and implement our advertisers ads on them. HERE is a guide on how to get started as a PlugRush publisher to become the best webmaster you can be.

Being ready with adzone codes already placed on your sites will be an important part of being among the first to be able to take advantage of the new thing that’s coming to your PlugRush account soon.

Stay tuned!